Behind Benedicta Womanhood


Once upon a time I too had only a faint understanding of the amazing design of my own body. I was taking a hormonal contraceptive to "fix my period." When I later found out that I was only suppressing my body's normal activity, not supporting or restoring it, I decided to make a change. Enter cycle tracking. As a hormone coach and FEMM-trained fertility awareness instructor, I walk women from the ignorance I once held to the empowerment every woman deserves: body literacy. As a wife and mother of five (four girls!), I see the value of hormone awareness and natural tools to help women thrive at every age and stage. It's time to undo the knots, sister. Let's get charting!


I am a bookkeeper turned fertility awareness advocate & hormone coach. As a wife and homeschooling mom to four. My personal health struggles led me down a path to find real answers that could actually help me as a whole person. And once I started finding the information, I couldn't keep it to myself. I am so passionate about sharing hormonal wellness information because it truly changed every aspect of my life. And I became a coach because I knew how much easier it would have been on my health journey if I had someone in my corner who could of help direct and encourage me with resources and information.